The German Language

Best Project Winner, Visualization Fall 2020, Prof. Nam Wook Kim

German is a fascinating language to study, but it can also be difficult at times. Students of German often spend many hours memorizing the gender and plural form for each noun. This project aims to visualize the German language and help students find patterns for recognizing the gender and plurals of German nouns. By presenting several interactive analytical tools, this project allows the user to explore the different ways morphological endings correspond with gender and plural formation. The site also introduces beginners to some background about German, why it's interesting to study, as well as some basic grammar and syntax.

Apple Distinguished Schools Dashboard

I'm currently working with Professor Bebell from Boston College to create a visualization dashboard illustrating the impact of technology on education in K-12 schools around the world. As a part of Apple's education program, these schools are provided with laptops and iPads and we study their usage of this technology by collecting surveys on student and teacher experience before and during the distribution of the technology. We then create and maintain a dashboard to allow school administrators to easily view the results from the surveys and draw insights from the data.

The Fox

What kinds of characteristics and motifs do we associate with the fox in our culture? Often known as sly, cunning, and clever, the fox is a frequent character seen in anthropomorphic narratives both ancient and modern. For my Beast Literature class project I investigate the origins of these common attitudes by looking at depictions of the fox in classical fable, mythology, and writings from natural historians such as Aelian, Aristotle, and Pliny the Elder.

RDM Dashboard

The Rural Development Model (RDM) is a framework for economic development in a rural area with the goal of allowing the area to achieve self-sustained growth. The model was developed by Lotus Project, a non-profit organization working on projects to promote economic growth in rural communities in Vietnam and other developing countries. During my internship at Lotus Project we created an interactive dashboard to visualize the RDM Suitability Index, which describes the suitability of a certain area for undergoing the RDM Framework. Using this metric, we can more easily identify the best areas in which to further expand the project. The metric is calculated using data from publicly available datasets, which are then aggregated into categorical metrics to describe the main factors involved, such as economic, environmental, and cultural.

Visualization Labs

For my visualization course, I created a number of interactive visualizations primarily using d3. These labs were designed for us to practice our technical skills and fluency in d3, so each lab is relatively simple and focuses on certain techniques and capabilites of d3 such as scales and axes, update pattern, brush and zoom, animated transitions, and maps.